Active Shooter Simulation Training: A Sane Response to the Insanity

Imagine this scenario: you are at work, at your desk, a typical day when suddenly you hear gunshots and screams. You see a masked gunman entering your office, shooting randomly at anyone he sees. What do you do?
If you are like most people, you might freeze in fear, panic, or try to hide. You might hope that someone else will stop the shooter, or that the police will arrive soon. You might not have a plan, a weapon, or a way to escape.

But what if you could change your mindset from a passive victim to an active shooter? What if you could create the muscle memory necessary to overcome the shock, fear and chaos of an assault? What if you could learn how to fight back, protect yourself and others, and survive?

That's where active shooter simulation training comes in. This is a realistic and immersive way of preparing your employees for an active shooter situation. It involves using realistic weapons, scenarios, and environments to simulate a real attack. Simulation training creates the sound and impact of gunshots and drills employees on the proper action to take.

The benefits of active shooter training Texas are many benefits. Here are a few:

• It increases awareness and preparedness. Shooter simulation training teaches your employees how to recognize potential signs of workplace violence.

• It builds confidence and resilience. Active shooter defense training helps your employees overcome the fear and anxiety of facing a violent threat. It also helps them develop a survival mindset and a sense of empowerment. They learn how to cope with stress, trauma, and uncertainty.

• It enhances teamwork and communication. Active shooter simulation training fosters collaboration and coordination among your employees. They learn how to work together, communicate clearly, and support each other in a crisis. They also learn how to cooperate with law enforcement and emergency responders.

• It improves performance and productivity. Active shooter simulation training boosts your employees' morale and motivation. They feel more valued and respected by their employer who cares about their safety and well-being. They also feel more engaged and committed to their work and their organization.

Active shooter simulation training is not only a smart investment for your employees' safety, but also for your organization's reputation, success and financial well-being. By providing active shooter simulation training for your employees, you are showing that you are proactive, responsible, and caring. It also demonstrates compliance with OSHA’s Duty of Care regulations. By investing in training, you are also reducing the risk of liability, lawsuits, and negative publicity in case of an active shooter incident.

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact us today to schedule a shooter simulation training session for your employees. Our trainers are ex-military and Intelligence Agency professionals. They have fought wars, run hundreds of missions across the globe, worked alongside the Secret Service, and are Purple Heart recipients. We have the expertise, equipment, and experience to provide you with the best training possible. We guarantee that you will see the difference in your employees' attitude, behavior, and performance.

Shooter simulation training is not just a training option; it's a necessity. Don't let your employees become victims; help them become active survivors.

Check out active shooter training programs by visiting


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