The Benefits of Active Shooter Defense Training for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you face many challenges and opportunities. You also have a duty to protect your employees and customers from potential threats. One of these threats is the possibility of an active shooter incident. An active shooter is an individual who uses firearms to inflict violence on people in a confined and populated area. They can strike anywhere and anytime, and often cause multiple fatalities and injuries. Many of these incidents occurred in places of business, such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants. As a small business owner, you may not have the resources or security measures to prevent or deter such an attack. That's why you need to prepare yourself and your employees for this potential threat by enrolling in Active Shooter Simulation Training (ASST).


 What is ASST and how can it help you?

ASST is a comprehensive and realistic training program that teaches you and your employees how to survive an active shooter situation. It covers three key aspects: awareness, response, and defense. By participating in ASST, you and your employees will learn how to:

• Identify the signs of a possible active shooter
• Communicate and coordinate with others during an emergency
• Decide the best course of action based on the circumstances: run, hide, or fight
• Use improvised weapons and self-defense techniques to stop or slow down the attacker

ASST can help you and your employees save your own lives and the lives of others in a critical situation. It can also reduce the psychological trauma and stress that may result from such an event.

Who provides ASST and how does it work?

ASST is provided by ProDefense USA, a leading provider of active shooter preparedness solutions. They have professional trainers, realistic scenarios, and advanced equipment to create a challenging and engaging learning experience. You and your employees will undergo a series of exercises that simulate various active shooter scenarios, such as:

• An armed intruder entering your workplace
• A disgruntled employee opening fire on coworkers
• A domestic violence incident escalating into a shoo

During each exercise, you and your employees will receive feedback and guidance from the trainers on how to improve your performance and skills. You will also debrief and discuss your experiences with your peers and supervisors.

How can you sign up for ASST?

If you are interested in providing ASST for yourself and your employees, you can contact ProDefense USA for more information. They will customize a training program that suits your needs, budget, and schedule. You can also visit their website at to learn more about their services and testimonials.

Don't wait until it's too late. Protect your small business from active shooter threats today with ProDefense USA.


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