
The Benefits of Active Shooter Defense Training for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you face many challenges and opportunities. You also have a duty to protect your employees and customers from potential threats. One of these threats is the possibility of an active shooter incident. An active shooter is an individual who uses firearms to inflict violence on people in a confined and populated area. They can strike anywhere and anytime, and often cause multiple fatalities and injuries. Many of these incidents occurred in places of business, such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants. As a small business owner, you may not have the resources or security measures to prevent or deter such an attack. That's why you need to prepare yourself and your employees for this potential threat by enrolling in Active Shooter Simulation Training (ASST).     What is ASST and how can it help you? ASST is a comprehensive and realistic training program that teaches you and your employees how to survive an active shooter situation. It covers three key as

How Active Shooter Defense Training Can Protect Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you care about the safety and well-being of your employees and customers. You also know that your business may face risks that larger organizations can avoid or mitigate. One of these risks is the possibility of an active shooter incident. Active shooters are individuals who use firearms to inflict violence on people in a confined and populated area. They can strike anywhere and anytime, and often cause multiple fatalities and injuries. Many of these incidents occurred in places of business, such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants. As a small business owner, you may not have the resources or security measures to prevent or deter such an attack. That's why you need to prepare yourself and your employees for this potential threat by enrolling in Active Shooter Simulation Training (ASST).   What is ASST and why do you need it? ASST is a comprehensive and realistic training program that teaches you and your employees how to survive an active shooter

Prepare Your Employees for Active Shooter Scenarios

Active shooter incidents are a serious threat to public safety. They can happen anywhere and anytime, and often result in multiple casualties. As an employer, you have a responsibility to protect your employees from such dangers. One way to do that is to provide them with active shooter simulation training (ASST).     What is ASST and why is it important? ASST is a realistic and immersive training program that teaches your employees how to respond effectively to an active shooter situation. It covers three key aspects: awareness, response, and defense. By participating in ASST, your employees will learn how to: • Recognize the signs of a potential active shooter • Communicate and coordinate with others during an emergency • Choose the best course of action based on the circumstances: run, hide, or fight • Use improvised weapons and self-defense techniques to disarm or disable the attacker ASST can help your employees save their own lives and the lives of others in a critical situation

How Does Active Shooter Simulation Training Prepare Your Employees for the Unthinkable?

No one wants to imagine being in an active shooter situation, but the reality is that it can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. As of May 15 th , there have been 224 mass shooting this year ( ). These incidents occurred in various settings including workplaces, schools, churches, and public venues.   The question for employers is: have you prepared your employees to face such a threat? Do they know what to do if you hear gunshots and see a gunman in your facility? Do they have the skills and mindset to survive and help others? If you answered no, consider active shooter simulation training. Active shooter defense training that uses realistic scenarios, weapons, and environments to teach your employees how to react effectively and efficiently in an active shooter attack. Active shooter simulation training has many advantages over other forms of training, such as classroom instruction, online courses, or local law enforcement lectures. In fact, the

Why Connect with ProActive Defense USA For Workplace Active Shooter Simulation Training

ProActive Defense USA, a leading provider of action-driven, active shooter simulation training, has created a powerful training program specifically designed for the workplace. The workplace active shooter training program includes full participation in simulated, action scenarios, emergency medical training to stop bleeding, and restore breathing, a customized Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for your facility and Certificates of Training for both the individuals and the organization. The active shooter training program program aims to help employers prepare their employees for the possibility of an active shooter situation in their workplace. As of May 15th, there have been 224 mass shooting so far this year ( ). Businesses that serve the public are twice as likely to suffer an assault as businesses that don’t serve the public directly. Any business is 18 times more likely to experience workplace violence than a fire. Many businesses, parti

Active Shooter Simulation Training: A Sane Response to the Insanity

Imagine this scenario: you are at work, at your desk, a typical day when suddenly you hear gunshots and screams. You see a masked gunman entering your office, shooting randomly at anyone he sees. What do you do? If you are like most people, you might freeze in fear, panic, or try to hide. You might hope that someone else will stop the shooter, or that the police will arrive soon. You might not have a plan, a weapon, or a way to escape. But what if you could change your mindset from a passive victim to an active shooter? What if you could create the muscle memory necessary to overcome the shock, fear and chaos of an assault? What if you could learn how to fight back, protect yourself and others, and survive? That's where active shooter simulation training comes in. This is a realistic and immersive way of preparing your employees for an active shooter situation. It involves using realistic weapons, scenarios, and environments to simulate a real attack. Simulation tr

The Need for Active Shooter Awareness Training

Active shooter attacks are escalating across the country at an alarming rate. These incidents, some random, some deliberately targeted, pose a threat to everyone. There are no quick, easy solutions to this growing menace but there are actions to take to minimize the risk. Active shooter awareness training is a necessity if employers want to fulfill OSHA’s Duty of Care regulations. But awareness of the problem is just the beginning. The actual protocol to prepare employees to overcome the shock fear, and chaos of an assault is Active Shooter Simulation Training (ASST). The Increasing Incidents: As of May 12th, the 132nd day of the year, there have been 213 mass shootings. Invariably, when survivors are interviewed following an attack, they can’t believe that it happened to them. Brendan Kelly, a former US Marine, survived the dealy assault in Thousand Oaks and the Las Vegas concert massacre “Kelly said it's still hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that he